Collective Observations: Harry Josephine Giles & Sasha Saben Callaghan
8 Oct 2020
Regular hours
- Thu, 08 Oct
- 18:00 – 19:00
Timezone: Europe/London
Cost of entry
Free event, donations welcome.
- Language: English
- Join the event
Join us for the launch of Not Going Back to Normal.
Artists Harry Josephine Giles and Sasha Saben Callaghan have brought together contributions of art and ideas which show what the arts in Scotland could and should be like for disabled artists in the post pandemic era.
Not Going Back to Normal is a gallery manifesto by disabled artists. Published as a website and a book, the project combines visual art, poetry, manifestos and more in a radical call for accessibility.
With an introduction from the project curators, Harry Josephine Giles and Sasha Saben Callaghan, this launch event will also include performances from artists in the project.
Free event, donations requested. Please book in advance via Eventbrite.
This event will have live audio transcription. We have a budget to meet other access needs, including BSL interpretation, so please email if you need anything to support your participation.