Cohn: Representation and Critique
9 Feb 2018
Event times
6:30pm - 9pm
Cost of entry
Free, suggested donation £2
- 62 Fieldgate Street
- London
England - E1 1ES
- United Kingdom
What would a radical anti-representational aesthetic look like today, beyond the binary opposition between autonomy and popular culture? How can critique be articulated if there is no position outside discourse to articulate it from?
In February we’re joining Aris Nikolaidis to discuss The Fate of Representation, the Fate of Critique from Jesse Cohn’s book Anarchism and the Crisis of Representation: Hermeneutics, Aesthetics, Politics (2006).
Cohn engages with critiques that question the relationship between concept and truth, image and reality, political institutions and collective interests. He argues that the practice of representation is indistinguishable from the assumption of power over what it claims to represent. The book explores nonrepresentational alternatives, and in particular the potential of an anarchist critique of symbolic and political representation.
The event is free but due to limited capacity booking is required. Please visit the website for more information, to book and download the shared document.
[SYMPOSIUM] is a monthly reading group on the intersections between art practice and critical theory. The book club brings together a supportive community of peers who discuss their research interests around specific texts every month. Decision-making is collective and anyone can propose and chair the reading of a text on a selective and voluntary basis.