Closing Party! for "To Know The Earth Through Roots"
7 Jan 2024
Free admission
- 526 W 26th St
- New York
New York - 10001
- United States
Closing Party for the Exhibition "To Know The Earth Through Roots" Curated by Danielle Johnson (MOMA)
Curated by Danielle Johnson
Janine Brown, Kailey Brown, Clare Burson, Johanna Cordasco,
Pat Dunham, Clare Gemima, Dina Khorchid, Kelly O'Brien, Yixuan Wu, Alice Zerini-Le Reste
Field Projects is pleased to present TO KNOW THE EARTH THROUGH ROOTS, Curated from our Winter Open by Danielle Johnson.
To Know the Earth Through Roots looks at contemporary practices engaged with questions of materiality and its relationship to knowing, meaning, and memory. It investigates the ways objects and materials can be entangled with, recall, or resurrect a geographical place, an interior space, or a particular time but also how the filter of memory can render the quotidian unfamiliar. The artists in this exhibition are attuned to objects and materials that within them contain a remembrance or impression of a past while also signaling a precarious future, marked by either eventual breakdown or uneasy interminable stasis. This is to say, these objects, rescued from waste streams or selected for specific evocative ends, exist in time. Memory, as a process that also suggests the passage of time, finds its form through these images, objects, and materials that have taken root in the mind.
Open Call’s create opportunities to submit artwork without knowing anyone on the inside of the gallery system.
Our Guest Curator: Danielle Johnson is a Curatorial Assistant in the Department of Drawings and Prints at the Museum of Modern Art. She studied modern and contemporary art with a focus on experimental art, music, and film of the 1960s, and She spends a lot of time thinking about the latent political potentials of decomposition and you can find her on Sundays at her community garden.