Chris Dreier + Gary Farrelly. Fruit Solutions
11 Feb 2017 – 26 Mar 2017
Regular hours
- Saturday
- 13:00 – 18:00
- Wednesday
- 13:00 – 19:00
- Thursday
- 13:00 – 19:00
- Friday
- 13:00 – 19:00
Cost of entry
Entritt Frei
- Bülowstrasse 52
- Berlin
Berlin - 10783
- Germany
Travel Information
- U7 S+U Yorckstraße / U2 Bülowstraße / Bus M19 Mansteinstraße
The Laura Mars Gallery presents the exibition "Fruit Solutions" with works by Chris Dreier and Gary Farrelly, founders of the OJAI Organisation, showing for the first time their Gesamtkunstwerk in Berlin.
In 2015 Chris Dreier and Gary Farrelly founded an internationally operating organisation, "The Office for Joint Administrative Intelligence", OJAI for short. There each of both founding members has accepted an office: Chris Dreier has the seat of the „Director for Financial Research and Systemic Risk“ and operates from Berlin, whereas Gary Farrelly holds the post of the „Director for Administrative Heritage“ at the EU‐metropolis of Brussels where he supervises the „Self Inventory Desk“.
By this very special method of self‐instutionalisation and with the aim of the bureaucratisation of human experience both artists have jointly created a modular system in which they are allowed to incorporate all their activities and obsessions like documents are being clipped into a filing cabinet. The main focus of the artistic alliance, which is very serious and full of humour at the same time, is on a jointly cultivated euphoria for modernism. Wether it be in the area of architecture, of infrastructure, in the sector of financial concerns or in the field of information processing – progress and rationality are the core elements of their work.