
µChip 3

19 Mar 2015 – 21 Mar 2015

Regular hours

12:00 – 18:00

Cost of entry


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Vivid Projects

Birmingham, United Kingdom

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µChip comes to Birmingham for a 3-day event celebrating Chiptune music, digital art, hacking, modified hardware and unconventional approaches to making music and visual art.


µChip comes to Birmingham for a 3-day event celebrating Chiptune music, digital art, hacking, modified hardware and unconventional approaches to making music and visual art.

µChip 3 will feature hands-on hacking workshops and demos alongside an exhibition of vintage computers, digital art, video screenings, and performances from a range of local, national and international Chiptune musicians. The ambition is to inspire and empower participants of all ages to engage with creative media in new and unconventional ways.

Thursday 19 March | 12:00 - late:

12:00 – 14:00

WORKSHOP: Antonio Roberts/Hellocatfood will lead participants on a journey through source code hacking and glitch art. Open to all ages, no prior experience necessary. Admission £5, capacity limited - book to reserve your place.

WORKSHOP: Sam Wray/2xAA will teach participants how to use LSDJ Game boy software to make electronic music. Admission £5, capacity limited - book to reserve your place.

18:30 – 22:30

Join us for an evening of performances from leading Chiptune artists including Sabrepulse, gwEm, Ultrasyd, Mizkai, Shirobon, Infotoxin and Alex Paulee Juno

Visuals by bitrituals, LazerSausage and Sebastian Lenton.

8Bit Lounge presents retro 16bit games consoles including SNES, Megadrive, Master System, and Commodore 64.

Admission £5, book to reserve your place.

µChip 3 is supported by the National Lottery through Arts Council England

What to expect? Toggle


Antonio Roberts

Sam Wray

Exhibiting artistsToggle







Alex Juno

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