Nashashibi/Skaer: Chimera
30 Sep 2022 – 10 Dec 2022
Cooper Gallery
Dundee, United Kingdom
One-off screening of Nashashibi/Skaer film 'Bear' and performance by playful composers Ceylan Hay and Shiori Usui.
Channelling a fantastical spirit, Levitating Tongues is a vocal-based performance by playful composers Ceylan Hay and Shiori Usui.
The performance will be set within Nashashibi/Skaer's exhibition Chimera and will be contextualised by a unique screening of the artists' film Bear, featuring a special soundtrack developed in collaboration with Cantonese opera artist Zhuo Peili. Levitating Tongues will unleash your inner mythological beast.
This screening and performance is part of the series of events accompanying the exhibition Chimera by Nashashibi/Skaer.
Book free tickets via Eventbrite.
Composers' biographies
Ceylan Hay
The music of Ceylan Hay (aka Bell Lungs) can be described as alchemical, often starting a journey in one direction before transmogrifying into something else entirely by some unseen sleight of hand. Like turning the dial on a radio, there’s no knowing what sounds might be thrown up from the cacophonous jukebox of her mind which is just as likely to drop in a Ronan Keating cover as pay homage to Meredith Monk while delivering sets dripping with punch in the gut emotion.
Shiori Usui
Originally from Japan, Shiori Usui is a BBC Proms commissioned composer and improviser based in Scotland. The Times newspaper described her as a composer with “entirely individual ears” after the successful premiere of the piece “Liya-pyuwa” for piano quintet at Wigmore Hall, London in 2006.
The gallery is on two floors. First floor has ramped access and disabled toilet.
Second floor is accessible via lift and for wheelchair access via a stairclimber over 5 steps. The performance will take place on the second floor.
Please email in advance if you require lift or stairclimber access so we can arrange support.
Large print versions of the exhibition information handout are available, please ask our Guides.
If you require live captions for the in-conversation please email to request.
All enquiries please contact: exhibitions@dundee.ac.uk
Image credit
Nashashibi/Skaer, Bear, 2021 (film still)
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