
Charcoal Animation + Self Portraiture

3 Nov 2022

Regular hours

Thu, 03 Nov
18:30 – 20:30

Cost of entry


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Eye to Pencil Drawing Studio

England, United Kingdom


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  • 19, 38, 341, 63
  • Angel, Farringdon
  • Farringdon, Kings Cross
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Heather Shaw is joining us this Autumn to lead a Thursday Evening workshop where we will be animating self portraits drawn in charcoal.



The self portrait plays a large role in Heather’s practice, and they will be combining it with their adept use of stop-motion animation to show us how to animate our own faces with charcoal on paper.

Materials are included.

Format: Our Thursday evening series of workshops will focus on extending drawing through low-tech, low cost, DIY techniques. The creatives leading each workshop are young and emerging, yet each is working in a strong and accomplished way with their approach and materials.

Thursday, 3 November

Location: Studio, 26 Exmouth Market, EC1 4QE

Tickets are £15. There is a student discount of 33% on all tickets (code: student-33).


Heather is an Artist based in London and is studying painting at Camberwell.

Anyone who draws but would like to try out new materials and techniques centred on drawing.


Alex Heard

Luci Eyers

Luci Eyers

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Heather Shaw

Taking part


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