Charcoal Animation + Self Portraiture
3 Nov 2022
Regular hours
- Thu, 03 Nov
- 18:30 – 20:30
Cost of entry
- 1st Floor 26 Exmouth Market
- London
England - EC1R 4QE
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- 19, 38, 341, 63
- Angel, Farringdon
- Farringdon, Kings Cross
Heather Shaw is joining us this Autumn to lead a Thursday Evening workshop where we will be animating self portraits drawn in charcoal.
The self portrait plays a large role in Heather’s practice, and they will be combining it with their adept use of stop-motion animation to show us how to animate our own faces with charcoal on paper.
Materials are included.
Format: Our Thursday evening series of workshops will focus on extending drawing through low-tech, low cost, DIY techniques. The creatives leading each workshop are young and emerging, yet each is working in a strong and accomplished way with their approach and materials.
Thursday, 3 November
Location: Studio, 26 Exmouth Market, EC1 4QE
Tickets are £15. There is a student discount of 33% on all tickets (code: student-33).
Heather is an Artist based in London and is studying painting at Camberwell.
Anyone who draws but would like to try out new materials and techniques centred on drawing.