
Ceramic Plasticity

26 Jan 2018

Regular hours

10:00 – 18:00

Cost of entry


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A one-day symposium at West Dean College of Art and Conservation


Reflecting the resurgence of craft and skills-based making in art over the past decade, this one-day symposium explores common ground between contemporary art and studio ceramics. Emphasising the commonalities between artist and craftsperson, the event focuses on practical, theoretical, and professional aspects of working with clay, embodied in its malleability and resistance - its plasticity.

-          Glenn Adamson (keynote)

-          Mathew Leung (Assemble architecture collective)

-          Caroline Achaintre (Artist)

-          Florence Peake (Artist, Choreographer)

-          Bouke de Vries (Conservator, Artist)

-          Dr. David Stent (Visual Arts, West Dean College)

-          Julian Stair (Potter, Writer)

Panel Chairs:

-          Rosie Cooper (Head of Exhibitions DLWP)

-          Alison Sandeman (Studio Potter)

-          Katie Schwab (Artist)

The symposium will be a day of discussion, identifying common ground, appreciating difference, and celebrating clay as a material that feeds the imagination.

Booking required. Please visit the West Dean College website for details:


Sarah Hughes

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Glenn Adamson

Bouke de Vries


Caroline Achaintre

Julian Stair

Florence Peake

David R J Stent


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