
Ceramic Handbuilding with Nice Pear Ceramics

27 Jun 2022

Regular hours

Mon, 27 Jun
10:00 – 11:3013:00 – 14:30

Cost of entry

Tickets are £35/£17.50 CourtX Members

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Join Hollie of Nice Pear Ceramics at Café Fresco for the morning or afternoon workshop where you will learn how to create hand-built ceramics.


The morning workshop will focus on creating a mug and the afternoon you will learn how to make a vase.

Hollie will guide you through the workshop showing you helpful techniques and tricks to create the perfect homeware piece.

In these workshops Hollie will also introduce the use of colour if participants would like to include this in their creations.

We welcome you to join us for this fun activity, where you can learn new skills and meet people over a complimentary hot drink and sweet treat.

Please note the pieces you create in the workshop will need to be fired in a kiln. Hollie will take your clay creations to her studio to complete the process and we will contact you when the pieces are ready to be collected from the CourtX Reception.

Morning Workshop 10-11.30am

Afternoon Workshop 1-2.30pm

Tickets are £35/£17.50 CourtX Members

Tickets can be purchased at the CourtX Reception or by getting in contact.

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