

14 Sep 2023 – 20 Sep 2023

Regular hours

Thu, 14 Sep
19:30 – 22:00
Fri, 15 Sep
10:00 – 18:00
Sat, 16 Sep
10:00 – 18:00
Sun, 17 Sep
10:00 – 18:00
Mon, 18 Sep
10:00 – 18:00
Tue, 19 Sep
10:00 – 18:00
Wed, 20 Sep
10:00 – 18:00

Cost of entry

The exhibition will be ticketed (starting from £3), open to the public 10 AM - 6 PM and there will be (separately ticketed) evening events in the gallery space.

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Bristol, United Kingdom

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An exhibition of 300 golden nipple casts of women and non-binary people, exploring nipple censorship and unwanted sexualisation.


CENSORED exhibition by Every Body’s Story

An exhibition of 300 golden nipple casts of women and non-binary people, exploring nipple censorship and unwanted sexualisation.


150 women and non-binary people have had moulds of their nipples made, to then be cast in golden Jesmonite by body casting artist Ellen Downes. Their golden nipples will be exhibited alongside their experiences.

"CENSORED" will showcase a collection of 300 golden nipple casts created by Ellen Downes, founder of Every Body's Story. The nipple casts will line the walls of Centrespace Gallery from 15th-20th September and create a powerful installation challenging censorship and celebrating nipple diversity.

This exhibit explores topics of censorship, public breastfeeding, and sexual harassment.

The exhibition will be ticketed (starting from £3), open to the public 10 AM-6 PM and there will be (separately ticketed) evening events in the gallery space. 

A ‘CENSORED’ book will accompany the exhibit featuring photographs of the casts and the experiences of the 150 participants for the project.


Body casting artist Ellen Downes (South West 30 under 30 list) founded Every Body’s Story in 2021, it is Bristol’s first body casting studio. Her work centers around celebrating women and non-binary people’s bodies and the power of storytelling. She spent 9 weeks working with 150 women and non-binary people who travelled to her studio in Barton Hill, Bristol to be cast ahead of the exhibition. 

"This project is to challenge unwanted sexualisation and censorship of our nipples. I want it to spark conversations. I want this work to be part of change, towards a future where exposing our nipples isn’t connected to feeling ashamed or unsafe,” she says. “Every Body’s Story is a platform to raise the voices of marginalised genders and create a space for sharing the stories that we are so often forced to carry in silence. Our bodies are perpetually objectified and so for this project I am turning an often shamed part of our bodies into objects, on our terms and in a really beautiful, empowering way.”


“My body casting experience was comfortable, peaceful and playful. It feels great to say I have been a part of something that challenges the male gaze.” 

“This is such an empowering exhibition to be a part of. I can’t wait to see my nipples golden on the walls alongside the others, it really feels like we’re coming together in power and resistance.”

“I am tired of seeing our nipples being pixelated. I’m grateful to be part of an exhibition showcasing body diversity, and create a space for us to appreciate the beauty of a part of us we often have to hide.”


*All events will be held at the gallery after the exhibition has closed to the public, attendees will be surrounded by golden casts.

Thursday 14th

7:30 PM Opening/Press Night

Friday 15th

10 AM-6 PM Exhibition open

7-10 PM Golden Nipple Mould Making Sessions

Saturday 16th

10 AM-6 PM Exhibition open

7-9 PM Sisterhood Bust Casting Workshop

Sunday 17th

10 AM-6 PM Exhibition open

7-9 PM Sisterhood Bust Casting Workshop

Monday 18th

10 AM-6 PM Exhibition open

7-9 PM Bristol Life Drawing with Beth Kirby

Tuesday 19th

10 AM-6 PM Exhibition open

7-9 PM Queer Life Drawing

Wednesday 20th

10 AM-6 PM Exhibition open



For press information and interviews contact Ellen:  ellen@everybodysstory.co.uk / @everybodysstory or call 07958022995.


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