
Caustic Bloom: Wildflower Workshop

7 May 2023

Regular hours

Sun, 07 May
14:00 – 15:30

Free admission

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Join artist James Hewins to reclaim and re-wild a patch of land near GHT as part of his project, Caustic Bloom.


Re-wilding is a form of ecological restoration and conservation with an emphasis on recreating an area's natural, uncultivated state. James’ project, Caustic Bloom encourages biodiversity in reclaimed grasslands across the city, by cultivating wild flowers.

2pm: Meet at GHT and walk for to the wildflower area, which will be very local.

2pm - 3pm: Work with James to identify which plants and grass will need removing, and which wildflowers naturally grow in the area that can be cultivated. Then roll up your sleeves and get gardening! James will lead a discussion about art, activism and the environment, sharing information about his project Caustic Bloom and potential ideas for future collaborations. He will also talk about making habitats for bees and other insects and their important rolls as pollinators, as well as the practicalities and processes involved in reclaiming land.

3pm - 3:30pm: Head back to GHT for a cuppa in the café to carry on discussions and view the exhibition, Art for Climate Action: Community Projects.

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Mia Delve

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