
Cartooning for Social Change

8 Jun 2022

Regular hours

Wed, 08 Jun
18:00 – 19:30

Timezone: Asia/Kolkata

Free admission

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Hosted by: Avid Learning

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Avid Learning and the Consulate General of Switzerland in Mumbai present an online presentation and conversation: Cartooning for Social Change


Avid Learning and the Consulate General of Switzerland in Mumbai present an online presentation and conversation: Cartooning for Social Change

One of the most important applications of comics is that they can be an inviting medium to engage in complex conversations and sensitive topics. It has the power to creatively talk about social issues in digestible formats, hence, ensuring that the message reaches a wider audience. The panelists will discuss the art of comic-making and ways to create comics with thought-provoking social commentary.

Tune in to discover how cartooning can be an artistic vehicle and a catalyst for change and empowerment for communities!

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