

12 Apr 2023 – 15 Apr 2023

Regular hours

Wed, 12 Apr
11:00 – 18:00
Thu, 13 Apr
11:00 – 18:00
Fri, 14 Apr
11:00 – 18:00
Sat, 15 Apr
11:00 – 18:00

Free admission

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Bermondsey Project Space

England, United Kingdom


Travel Information

  • C10 Victoria to Canada Water (Stop F Bermondsey Street)
  • London Bridge - Borough
Directions via Google Maps Directions via Citymapper
Event map

A group of 25 students respond to ideas around collaborative learning and exchange as means of foregrounding care involved in ‘curatorial’ practice.


Central Saint Martins’ evocative and visceral student works are some of
declaration. With an awareness of movement, transgression and fluidity, the
presenting artists aim to situate the space as a curated chaos of durational
happenings over the span of three days, fluent in prose of dis- and re-assembly.
Dealing with themes through the digital metaverse to storytelling in all its forms
these themes relay shape, colour and light as language, in tandem to concepts
regarding memory and its relationship to space, while drawing on the immersive
borders of life and death.

Now open to the public as courtesy of Bermondsey Project Space, the current
exhibition looks to these themes as accessible, being universal in their relevance.
Claiming to be ‘anti-ideological non-doctrinaire and in-polemical’ these notions
aim to be an elliptical traverse of crossings and repetitions that weave through
notions of space and time, resisting the conformity of linear narrative, that is so
often associated with fine arts historical progression and development.

What to expect? Toggle


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