Cara Tolmie: Pilot
3 Jul 2015 – 11 Jul 2015
- 3 Leighton Place
- London
- NW5 2QL
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- Bus 393 - Stop at Leighton Road
- 5 minutes walk from Kentish Town Tube Station
- 5 minutes walk from Kentish Town Rail Station
Preposition Demands for 3rd – 11th July 2015
In front of, among then towards: singing. Her driving, plateau finding. No heat.
Standing on something declared!
Onward to: near, close, on top of, onto plateau finding.
Evenly spread above the grouping: that one over there, the blur. Followed by through, past to the outside (off).
And then within, behind plateau finding alongside steady grouping beneath.
Then coming back again in the dance. Freeing others to take it elsewhere. Plunge into that dance effort (half dragged). Not to be jumping and waiting. And then waiting (at best they’re swaying).
Gradual shifting of scene and attention during walk to. And then back, backwards – only now noticed.
Soon after – big slow down to entangle. Big slow back again. Backed up against the door till it feels all right. Fed back again until the planes touch, so that they can protest and scan volition.
But now to go again, out of doors. Pass before, gracefully. The location, approaching.
Installed outside of the motor and peeling.
Close, so very close (dissipated private). Takes them to a sort of need. A bit dark, back on the blur of the law (redressed).
Turned inside out when going from one side to the other. Not gyrating above a certain peak.
Among then towards, in front of: what did you just say? (remix).
Her steering, residual tension (goes unsaid of course).
To before and then inside and then instead of. Stand by.
Something declared! Inside Vehicle! Judge’s Chamber!