Canvas Painting 8+ Bumble Bee
29 May 2024
Regular hours
- Wed, 29 May
- 09:15 – 11:00
- Unit 36A, Guildhall Shopping Centre,
- Exeter
England - EX4 3HL,
- United Kingdom
Places are offered on a first-come-first served basis. All materials included.
This is a drop off session for children aged 8 or above. Please complete this registration form prior to the session
We can only take a limited number of students in this workshop so please grab your space quickly! If you have any questions please get in touch
We receive numerous enquiries regarding the participation of 7-year-old children in our tutorials. Please note that our tutorials are primarily tailored for children aged 8 and older. If your child is 7 years old and you are considering booking a class, we kindly request that you reach out to us beforehand for guidance on the suitability of each class.
Before booking please make sure you read and agree to our Terms and Conditions