Can Art Change the World?
24 Sep 2021
Regular hours
- Fri, 24 Sep
- 10:00 – 15:30
Cost of entry
£45 plus eventbrite booking fee
ArtOnline LIVE
- The Grosvenor Chapel
- 24 South Audley Street
- London
England - W1K 2PA
- United Kingdom
Explore the relationship between works of art and the society in which they were created in this one-day art course of three live lectures..
10.00 Registration and refreshments
10.30 Art with Something to Say with Val Woodgate
In a variety of challenging and often deeply moving works of art, discover how artists draw our attention to many of the problems in the society of their times.
11.45 Break
12.00 Coventry Cathedral - Icon and Inspiration with Alexandra Epps
The extraordinary story of the rebuilding of the Cathedral as a symbol of peace and reconciliation and its inspiring commitment to the modern. Coventry is this year's UK City of Culture.
1.15 Break for lunch
2.15 The Turner Prize Explained with Frank Woodgate
The Turner Prize continues to excite annual controversy and comment and has been largely responsible for raising public awareness and appreciation of recent modern art.
Alexandra Epps, Val Woodgate and Frank Woodgate have been lecturing for many years for Tate Britain, Tate Modern and in other major galleries and organisations, and are accredited lecturers for The Arts Society.
In order to maintain social distanced seating numbers will be limited. The wearing of face coverings is not required but encouraged.