
build your own website in a day

12 May 2024

Regular hours

11:00 – 20:00

Cost of entry

The workshop will take place at the Photobook Cafe in Shoreditch, 10.00 - 16.00, with the option to join remotely over Zoom if you are not in London. Fee: £149.00 Places are limited and available on a first come first served basis

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PhotoBook Cafe

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Need a new website but don't have the budget to hire a professional to build it? Would you do it yourself if you only had the time and bandwidth to figure out how


I understand your inertia! But it's stopping you from having the well designed, good-looking website that your work deserves to be featured on. And that might be costing you countless opportunities including paid work...

Fortunately, I have an easy and super-affordable solution. Join me on Sunday 12th May 2024 for an intensive one-day workshop in London (or online if you can't be there in-person) on which you will design and build yourself a brand new website with Squarespace in a matter of hours and leave at the end of the day with all the know-how to manage and update your content thereafter.

You will learn, among other things: 

  • How to create an acoount (and get an exclusive 6 month trial period)
  • How Squarespace 'templates' work
  • How to add and style your content
  • How to size your images for web use
  • How to chose a gallery style and present your images
  • How to register a domain name
  • How to make your website Google-friendly with search engine optimisation
  • How to publish the final version

What to expect? Toggle


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