
Bronze Casting Course (10, 11,12 & 17, 18, 19th Sept 2021)

10 Sep 2021 – 19 Sep 2021

Regular hours

10:00 – 16:00
10:00 – 16:00
10:00 – 16:00

Cost of entry

Course Cost: £590

Save Event: Bronze Casting Course (10, 11,12 & 17, 18, 19th Sept 2021)

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London Sculpture Workshop

London, United Kingdom


Travel Information

  • 73, 1
  • London Bridge
  • London Bridge
Directions via Google Maps Directions via Citymapper
Event map

This six day course will take place over two weekends, in which the participants will be shown how to make a bronze sculpture.


From the initial wax-process to the final bronze sculpture, this course will culminate in the bronze pour.

For this event, there will be space for 8 participants, to actively participate in the pour. The event will take place over six days and you will learn the process of bronze casting from start to finish. Please note that each session will run 10-4 with an hours lunch break, but some days may run over due to the amount of work that needs to be completed within the given time.

First Weekend: Day 1, Friday 10th September

Introduction to Bronze Casting

Practical wax demonstration

How to work with wax eg wax welding, taking wax from a mould, wax sheet making / casting from alginate to create a wax

Day 2, Saturday 11th September

Finish waxes

Presentation on Bronze moulds

What is a Bronze Mould?

Finish off wax

What is wax gating

Wax gating

Begin degreasing

Day 3, Sunday 12th September

Bronze Mould making begins

Begin dipping waxes, 1st dip Talk “From wax to bronze”Low melt alloys casting demonstration

2nd dip

NB: During the following week the moulds will be dipped in readiness for the next weekend for students to continue their work.

Second Weekend: Day 4, Friday 17th September

Burnout bronze moulds

Puttying up shells

Refire fire shells


Pre heat + light furnace + pour metal

Day 5, Saturday 18th September

Breakout moulds

Fettling and chasing

Day 6, Sunday 19th September


Final finishing

Pop up exhibition

Please note the cost of the course includes 1kg of Bronze. Additional bronze will be available to purchase over the period of this course.

Course Cost: £590

Course Dates: Friday 10th, Saturday 11th, Sunday 12th & Friday 17th, Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th September 2021

Course Times: 10am – 4pm

Number of places available: 8

Tutors: Giles Corby (RCA)

What to expect? Toggle


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