
“Bringing down all the established norms” with Dr Jill Westwood

27 Jan 2022

Regular hours

Thu, 27 Jan
18:00 – 19:00

Timezone: Europe/London

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Hosted by: Sainsbury Centre

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Join Artist, Art Psychotherapist and friend of Grayson Perry, Dr Jill Westwood as she draws on memories of working as an artist in the wake of punk in 1980s London


Join Artist, Art Psychotherapist and friend of Grayson Perry, Dr Jill Westwood as she shares her reflections on the exhibition Grayson Perry: The Pre-Therapy Years, drawing on memories of working as an artist in the wake of punk in 1980s London, collaborating with performance group the Neo-Naturists, and offering insight into the work of Grayson Perry from her perspective as an Art Psychotherapist.

Please book your ticket in advance. Once you have booked your ticket, we will send you details of how to access the online event.

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Grayson Perry

Grayson Perry


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