Bring Your Own Beamer (BYOB)
19 Mar 2016
Event times
18:00 – 22:00
Cost of entry
Free Entry - first come first served
Platform Southwark
- 1, Joan Street,
- London
- SE1
- United Kingdom
Brainchild x Vermilion Hook and Platform Southwark present Bring Your Own Beamer – a one-night group exhibition, hosting artists and their projectors.
Bring Your Own Beamer – a series of one-night exhibitions, hosting artists and their projectors, was set up by Berlin-based artist Rafaël Rozendaal, in 2010.
On March 19th it comes to Platform Southwark - a new three-story, multi-disciplinary, project space, which provides a new platform for artistic expression and engagement with the local community – and beyond.
The new cultural hub is the first activity of a proposed mixed-use development by U+I and Transport for London (TfL), who have invited a number of organisations to temporarily occupy the building, whilst curating a series of performances, exhibitions, workshops and events. These organisations include collective collaboration Brainchild x Vermilion Hook, who will host BYOB – a project that reflects their own open source and inclusive philosophies.
Artists participating in this energetic exhibition event include:
Dan Adeyemi – who’s piece for BYOB is a living website. The webpage displays a document containing a constant flow of sentences, exposing the internal monologue of someone thinking about their lover.
Georgie Brinkman, - will be screening her new video Ant_Colony_Optimisation, inspired by an algorithm which simulates the behavioural patterns of ants in order to find the optimal path in a graph.
Alice Dunseath - will exhibit her work, which brings together chemicals, crystals, along with other elements that have a life on their own.
Hannah Gill - Co-curator, Hannah will also be exhibiting at BYOB, with work that is unusually hands on and physical for digital filmmaking. Using a live feed connection between a camera and screen she creates a digital loop, which continues into infinity and inserts physical objects such as paper cut-outs and laser lights into these scenarios.
Vasilisa Forbes - A fashion photographer and film-maker/video-director who has contributed to magazines such as Dazed & Confused and i-D, Forbes is also the brains behind the #WaxChick project – the series from which she will be showing work at BYOB.
Sophie Rogers - Co-curator of this BYOB, Sophie will also exhibiting her hyper-coloured landscapes, with not-quite-human figures, who re-invent traditional fantasy tales such as Snow White, The Invention of Morel by Adolfo Bioy Casares or The Time Machine by H G Well’s.