
Brighton Artists Network: Collaborators Speed Dating

28 Apr 2022

Regular hours

Thu, 28 Apr
10:00 – 18:00

Cost of entry

The event is ticketed and we're charging £10 for non-members and £5 for fee paying members, in order to cover the costs of running this, and other events like this one. Brighton Artists Network membership is available on a sliding scale starting at £0, £2.50, £5 or £15 a month.

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Meet Brighton-based artists of all disciplines, and who knows, you might find that special person you might end up sharing your practice with!


Whether you're looking for a collaborator for a specific project, or are just keen to meet other artists living and working in Brighton, Brighton Artists Network's Collaborators Speed Dating is the event for you this April!

Brighton Artists Network is open to artists of all disciplines and at any stage in their career living or working in the greater Brighton area. Our members are people who make things, people who write things, people who perform things, and anyone else who might not fit either of these categories, or all of them at once. They might have a well established creative practice, or might have just begun to think of themselves as creative.



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