
Break in Transmission

22 Jan 2018 – 16 Mar 2018

Event times

Open Monday - Friday, 10 - 6pm. Open late on Thursdays until 7pm.

Cost of entry

Free Admission

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Travel Information

  • Oxford Road Station
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The artists in Break in Transmission have a shared set of concerns in the pleasures and pitfalls of language, communication and meaning, and a fascination with the process of the transmission of information.


Meriç Algün Ringborg, Fiona Banner, Sam Durant, Shannon Ebner, Kerry Tribe

On the surface, the act of translation is relatively simple – the everyday process of one thing being translated into another. With language there is usually an equivalent word or phrase, even if variations allow for some degree of preference or selection. As we move beyond language and start to translate from one type of thing to another, more complications occur. How do ideas take on visual form? How might emotion turn into action? In the transmission of information there are always differences and distinctions which occur as part of the process. For Break in Transmission there is a specific interest in the pauses, gaps and breaks that can happen along the way. This could occur for a number of reasons: through the natural shifts between language and the visual, an act of mis-translation (either deliberate or accidental), it could be the effects of a loss of language which relates to more specific conditions such as aphasia, dementia and other neurological states. The important question lies in what might be lost in these interruptions in the everyday and what significance it might generate.

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Kerry Tribe

Fiona Banner

Shannon Ebner

Sam Durant

Meriç Algün Ringborg


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