
Bow Skills: building a more environmentally responsible artistic practice with Angela YT Chan

2 Mar 2022

Regular hours

Wed, 02 Mar
18:00 – 19:30

Cost of entry

£7/£5 concessions (concession rate applies to Bow Arts artists, students, over 65s, under 18s, National Art Pass members, and key workers)

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Bow Arts Trust

United Kingdom, United Kingdom


Travel Information

  • Bow Church (DLR), Bow Road (District Line)
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Join Angela YT Chan in this deep dive into current environmental challenges in the context of the arts and how artists and makers can make their practices more environmentally and socially responsible in the face of this.


During the workshop, participants will learn about the decolonial legacies of climate change, taking part in grounding exercises to explore their positionality and bring these issues closer to home. 

Participants will also take part in reflective activities to consider their own individual processes of making and reframe the idea of resourcing and scarcity in the context of the arts – e.g. scarcity of commissions, work, materials, funding. Through this reframing, we will learn how to identify the abundance of opportunities, materials, and resources available beyond the constraints of our current unjust system. 

The final section of the workshop will encourage participants to de-individualise climate change and consider the collective alternatives that artists can take – and are taking – to move towards more environmentally and socially responsible practice and action.

Additional covid safety notice:  Face masks are mandatory for this workshop, unless you are exempt. Please do not attend if you have covid symptoms or a positive test result. 


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