Bohumil Eliáš Jr. - Enigma
15 Aug 2019 – 5 Sep 2019
- Revoluční 17
- Prague
Prague - 110 00
- Czechia
The work of Bohumil Eliáš Jr. most often focuses on architectural constructions of linear structures and solid shapes, which, however, in many cases move away from real reality. He chooses a path free of expressive color, complexity of overlapping plans, and above all deprived of the storyline.
Bohumil Elias Jr. (* 1980) lives and works in Kosoř near Prague. After graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in the studio of figural sculpture of prof. Jan Hendrych also focused his interest on painting and glass in the form of fused or glued sculptures. He also works in bronze and other sculptural materials.