
Bog Cottage—Queer na nÓg: 4ever young

15 Jun 2023 – 24 Jun 2023

Regular hours

12:00 – 18:00
12:00 – 18:00
12:00 – 18:00

Free admission

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Pallas Projects/Studios are pleased to present Bog Cottage—Queer na nÓg: 4ever young, the third exhibition of our 2023 Artist-Initiated Projects programme.


"Last November, I spent three weeks working with Bog Cottage alongside Grace Jackson as part of the first iteration of Queer na nÓg at PSSquared, an artist-led space in Belfast. Queer na nÓg wasn’t the only outcome of those three weeks - a fantasy woodland of pink and green - but also the friendship and collaboration that developed from the period. Many hands created a place of love and companionship.

Whilst trees outside were being stripped of leaves, flowers browning and becoming mulch, and mushrooms reverting to their underground networks, we were inside, creating an everlasting season of abundance within PSSquared’s project space. We collectively built trees out of cardboard and paper mache forms, forged a patterned dolmen and designed a pretty pink car using old election posters, and constructed a sexy darkroom from a pleather-esque black tarp. It may have been cold and heavy outside, but inside we were shedding our winter coats, adding colour and warmth to the Irish winter.  

Just like the first hints of spring, working ~and being~ with the Bogs was uplifting, filling me with a familiar joy. Those weeks weren’t just about working with one another, hanging out and forming a friendship were just as important as, and deeply entwined in, any final outcome. We found a new routine for our collaboration, sharing daily lunches of cheese sandwiches and supermarket soup, taking breaks to smoke on the roof of PSSquared whilst laughing over funny stories, and testing different ways of making the woodlands’ slowly developing landscape. Together, we formed a nurturing environment, where checking in on energy levels and wellbeing surpassed the desire of slickness or perfection. I miss being with the Bogs, sitting in the pub together and learning about crochet techniques and knitting patterns. For those three weeks, our collaboration became our own mythological world, somewhere open, generous and outside of it all..."

Excerpt from text commisioned by Bog Cottage and written by curator and writer Cecelia Graham

Bog Cottage has invited artists Renn Miano, Austin Hearne and Hugh McGettigan to take a walk deep into the woods and make something magic...



Bog Cottage is an artist collective originally conceived as a formalised response to art-making in the west of Ireland. Since then it has transformed into an art-making tool - a way of working which focuses on meeting other artists and learning through mutual making. Bog Cottage wants to build spaces, wants to make space to create and progress. Space to hang out and eat pizza. Space to get messy, space to make mistakes, space to experiment, space to fail and space to be supported when you do. Bog Cottage wants to have fun. Bog Cottage is Roberta Murray, Orla Meagher, and all the goodies we meet along the way.

If you go down to the woods today you’re sure of a big surprise…


Artist-Initiated Projects at Pallas Projects/Studios is an open-submission, annual gallery programme of 8 x 3-week exhibitions taking place from March-November 2023. This unique programme of funded, artist-initiated projects selected via open call is highly accessible to artists, with a focus on early career, emerging artists and recent graduates. Projects are supplemented with artists' talks, texts, workshops or performances, and gallery visits by colleges and local schools.

Pallas Projects/Studios is funded by The Arts Council

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Austin Hearne

Hugh McGettigan

Renn Miano


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