

3 Jul 2015 – 18 Jul 2015

Event times

Wednesday - Friday 2pm-7pm
Saturday 11am-2pm

Cost of entry


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Blueprint brings together the work of Luke Skiffington and Andy Jackson. In a dialogue with the specific layout of Interview Room 11, paintings are wall mounted, suspended within space and placed upon stands. Elsewhere wall collages are dispersed in different configurations throughout the gallery. Together, their work offers an intimate dialogue on the possibilities for painting, its divergent attitudes through its many subtleties of scale, form, colour and surface.


Blueprint brings together the work of Luke Skiffington and Andy Jackson. In a dialogue with the specific layout of Interview Room 11, paintings are wall mounted, suspended within space and placed upon stands. Elsewhere wall collages are dispersed in different configurations throughout the gallery. Together, their work offers an intimate dialogue on the possibilities for painting, its divergent attitudes through its many subtleties of scale, form, colour and surface.

Jackson’s Datum and Insrt paintings are juxtaposed with Skiffington's works from his Future Vision and Mr Bauhaus series. Accentuating work developed in series, both artists explore the possibilities in repeated motifs, variations and new directions that can emerge from reducing imagery to its bare-essentials. 

Adopting a considered geometry, both artists embrace strong structural elements to divide the picture plane, suggesting diagrams or blueprints. This geometry finds an equivalent in the many maps, networks and systems that make up the modern world, from the internet and air travel, to the planning of cities. Alongside this geometry, their work encompasses more eclectic sources, from plant matter, colour swatches and wood-grain effects to poster design, art historical sources and the urban infrastructure. The framing of the organic or energetic within specific boundaries is a shared characteristic of their work, whether describing an abstract field of colour or the contours of a schematised face.

As a collective installation, Blueprint merges divisions between the wall and the work, the recognisable and the abstract, the playful and the systematic. Creating a fictional environment, the ambiguous surfaces of Jackson’s paintings offer a temporal, contemplative space for a meeting with Skiffington’s cast of half-known characters.

Luke Skiffington (b.1977) graduated from Goldsmiths College, London in 2000 where he received the Neville Burston Award 2000. In 2004 he completed an MA (Fine Art) at Chelsea College of Art, London. He has undertaken two international residencies at La Napoule Art Foundation, Cannes, France in 2005 and CAMAC, Centre d’Art, France in 2006. Recent exhibitions include The Unassuming Eye, Sobering Galerie, Paris, 2014, In(habitat), Lion+Lamb gallery, London, 2014, Informal Elements at OVADA, Oxford, 2014, Heavy Weather (solo) at 125 Old Broad Street, London, 2011 and LOCALE (solo) at New Greenham Arts, Berkshire, 2011. In June 2013 he curated Handkerchief Of Clouds-A Painting Show In Five Acts at The Mayor's Parlour, London.

Andy Jackson (b.1979) graduated from Bath College of Art Design in 2002 with BA in Fine Art and received an MFA at Goldsmiths College in 2006. The same year (2006) he was selected for Bloomberg New Contemporaries and recently exhibited in the 2014 John Moores Painting Prize. Recent exhibitions include EX-CA-VATE-SITE-TWO at Schwartz Gallery, London, 2015, Test Space Open, Spike Island, Bristol, 2015, In(habitat), Lion+Lamb gallery, London, 2014, Full Circle, Drawing Room/UBM, London, 2014, Ici Londres, Nicolas Silin Galerie, Paris, 2013. In 2010 he co-curated SLIP/Sensor at Cell Project Space, London and Dark Matter at The Sunday Painter, London.

Further information and images can be found at:




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Luke Skiffington

Andy Jackson


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