BLINK: See peace differently
23 Nov 2019
Regular hours
- Sat, 23 Nov
- 16:00 – 21:00
Cathedral Square
- Cathedral Square
- Peterborough
England - PE1 1XB
- United Kingdom
BLINK. Explore.
BLINK. Resist.
BLINK. Reconcile.
BLINK. Hope.
A free walk-through experience for all ages��️ 5 Eyes
��️ 5 ways of looking
��️ 5 ways of thinking about Peace
Blink invites people to think about how fragile and complex Peace is as they journey through five different walk-through experiences.
Each experience happens inside a giant eye, each inspired by a different community and a different place in the country.
Researched and produced by young people in Dewsbury, Stoke, Peterborough and Sheerness, BLINK draws on our local and national history of peace to ask you what kind of future you want to see.
Peace is a doing word. What are we going to do?
#seepeacedifferently #blink #peacebuilders
Created by Emergency Exit Arts
Peterborough partner Vivacity Arts
Creative partner The Brick Box
Directed by Chloe Layla
Designed by Nina Dunn and Rūta Irbīte