
Blender for Intermediate Session 3: Physics

30 Oct 2022

Regular hours

Sun, 30 Oct
13:00 – 16:00

Cost of entry


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arebyte Gallery

England, United Kingdom

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Join us on for our Blender for Intermediate Session 3, PHYSICS, a 3D modelling workshop using the creative software Blender.


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arebyte’s Digital Training Session: Blender for intermediate Workshop with artist Marc Blazel - Session #3: Physics

Dive head first into making your own simulations with this introductory physics workshop. Simulating real world physics is a key component of VFX and an essential to leveling up your Blender knowledge.

Going through the key concepts of

▷ Rigid body physics

▷ Particle systems

▷ Baking your scenes

You will be well equipped to start using gravity to make the animations for you!

Start to explore Blender's huge suite of animation tools and become the virtual Frankenstein of your dreams!


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