
"Blackout" - Jelmoni Studio Gallery

21 Apr 2018 – 5 May 2018

Event times

Wednesday 11 - 17 Thursday 11 - 20 Friday 11 - 17 Saturday 11 - 17

Cost of entry

free entry

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CBK Amsterdam

North Holland, Netherlands

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In principio era il NERO. Un buio assoluto prima del fatidico big-bang, come ipotizzato dalle odierne teorie scientifiche. In seguito una condizione relativa legata alla privatio lucis, al nero fenomenico di ciò che rimane in ombra. Si parla, dunque, in un imprecisato quanto remoto punto della Storia e del Tempo, di “creazione partendo dal nero”.

La mostra ,ideata dalla galleria JELMONI STUDIO GALLERY, focalizza l’interesse della ricerca e della selezione sull’arte contemporanea emergente, dalle differenti e poliedriche forme espressive, rappresentata in una varietà di generi senza restrizioni: dalla pittura alla scultura, dalla fotografia alle proiezioni che trovano spazio in una struttura davvero particolare.

Il CBK Amsterdam è un luogo d’incontro, dove l’Arte contemporanea è centrale. Inizia e facilita le attività per un ampio pubblico e lavora con organizzazioni, scuole e artisti per rendere accessibile l’Arte. Con una variegata programmazione, il CBK contribuisce ad un clima culturale attraente ad Amsterdam e nei dintorni.

È nel cuore del distretto culturale delle Arti, al centro di una serie di realtà dedicate alla ricerca e all’innovazione. Il CBK confluisce nella rete culturale collaborando con numerose Istituzioni e Accademie, al fine di promuovere e stimolare il dibattito sulla cultura del contemporanea.

Nel nuovo millennio la scena dell’arte è globale, e gli epicentri dei nuovi impulsi creativi non sono più solamente le grandi metropoli occidentali, ma sempre di più quei contesti che affascinano per le loro ricche tradizioni culturali e che ora catturano con nuove, inedite e dinamiche proposte artistiche.

Gli ultimi anni sono stati segnati da un vero e proprio “Nordic boom”, una rinnovata presenza di artisti scandinavi sulla scena internazionale e una forte ripresa di musei e istituzioni per l’Arte contemporanea nei paesi come Olanda, Finlandia, Svezia, Norvegia e Danimarca.


In the beginning there was BLACK, an absolute darkness before the fateful Big Bang, as described in today's scientific theories. A condition related to the “privatio lucis” (the absence of light) followed thereafter: the phenomenal black of what remains in the shadow. What we can call the “creation starting from black” therefore took place in an unspecified and remote point in history and time.

This exhibition, created by JELMONI STUDIO GALLERY, focuses on research and selection of emerging contemporary art, on its different and multifaceted forms of expression, and on its variety of genres without any restriction―from painting to sculpture, photography to projections. Everything finds its own place in this unique exhibition space.

CBK Amsterdam is a meeting place where contemporary art is central. CBK starts and encourages activities for a wide audience, and works with organizations, schools and artists to make art accessible. Thanks to its diverse programming, CBK contributes to the active cultural environment in Amsterdam and in its surroundings. The venue is located in the heart of the cultural district, surrounded by a variety of organizations devoted to research and innovation. CBK joins the cultural network by collaborating with a number of institutions and academies in order to promote and stimulate debate on contemporary culture. The institution was created to present, collect, document and promote the most advanced artistic research. Since its inauguration, CBK has been extensively engaged in exhibiting and documenting contemporary art, and has also implemented many educational programs, shows and multimedia events. It has collected more than a thousand works of art that map art trends from the Sixties to the present: painting, sculpture, cinema and videos, installations, works on paper, art books, photographs, graphics and various commissioned projects.

The museum presents a dynamic perspective. It explores the present through a research-focused exhibition, and helps to draw new ways following the most innovative experimental practices.

Project Introduction

In the new millennium the art scene is global, and the epicenters of the new creative impulses are no longer just the great metropolises. New, smaller contexts with rich cultural traditions can fascinate the audience thanks to their original, innovative and dynamic art proposals. The last few years have been characterized by a "Nordic boom", i.e. an increased presence on the international scene of Scandinavian artists together with a strong upswing of museums and institutions for contemporary art in countries such as Holland, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. 

Participating artists:






























Progetto a cura di

Jelmoni Studio Gallery

Assistenti galleria

Veronica Fontanarosa

Anna Carli

Marcella Viale

Staff tecnico

Rodolfo Santini

Mirella Pende

Katia Dossena


Lucrezia Cambilargiu

Jelmoni Studio Gallery

Milan, Berlin, London

via Molineria S. Nicolò, 8 (Piacenza) - Italia

0039 0523 490827  349 7198665




Elena Jelmoni

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Bruno Sfeir

Giuseppe Ribechi

Rita Colandrea

Jari Vassinger

Nunzia Busi

Stefano Mariotti

Enke Cäcilie Jansson

Bruna Bonelli

Rossana Gallo

Stefano Di Loreto

Tove Andresen

Maria Pia Patriarca

Carla Piazza

Pino Chimenti

Hilda Kleyn

Daniel Mckinley

Rita Miglioli

Shakar Galajian

Luigi Franco Malizia

Susanna Travani

Miriam Prato

Rosaspina Buscarino

Pia Forsberg

Evelyne Huet

Georg Pummer

Brunella Di Giacinto

Antonella Stellini

Silvana Cammi

Marina Taroni

Taking part

Jelmoni Studio Gallery

Piacenza, Italy


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