Black British Histories: Race and Racism in the City: Notting Hill in the 1950s
9 May 2023
Regular hours
- Tue, 09 May
- 19:00 – 20:30
Cost of entry
£6, Concessions £4, FREE to all students and members of the Historical Association
- University of Plymouth
- Drake's Circus
- Plymouth
England - PL4 8AA
- United Kingdom
This talk explores how Notting Hill riots remapped histories of race and racism in modern Britain. As a decisive turning point, the riots galvanised anti-immigrant rhetoric but it also created spaces for Black British activism to thrive.
Historical Association and University of Plymouth History Department talk
While celebrated for its diversity and multiculturalism today, the London district of Notting Hill has a complex history of race relations. In the 1950s, the region faced housing shortages and rising unemployment. It was also home to growing tensions between white working-class youths (known as ‘Teddy Boys’) and its African Caribbean communities. In late August 1958, these tensions flared as Black residents and their properties were attacked. The Notting Hill race riots ensued. What started off as a series of isolated incidents ended up as a prolonged series of attacks and counterattacks that lasted for five days.
This talk explores how the Notting Hill riots remapped histories of race and racism in modern Britain. As a decisive turning point, the riots galvanised anti-immigrant rhetoric but it also created spaces for Black British activism to thrive. For instance, the birth of the Notting Hill carnival in 1959 marked the flourishing of Black British political consciousness and the celebration of Black British culture.