Binary Compositions: Andy Lovell
21 Jun 2017 – 8 Aug 2017
Event times
Sunday & Mondays 10am - 4pm
Tuesday – Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm
For evening opening times check website
Cost of entry
- Salmon Springs
- Painswick Road
- Stroud
England - GL6 6NU
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- Stroud bus station GL5 1QA
- Stroud Station GL5 3AR
Andy explores recurring themes through abstraction, pattern and texture in a series of large scale, mainly monochrome, silkscreen prints and paintings on fabric
Known for his quality prints Andy Lovell breaks loose to create new large scale work for this exciting once industrial public space. He explores recurring themes through abstraction, pattern and texture in a series of large scale, mainly monochrome, silkscreen prints and paintings on fabric.
Presented by SIT select.