Art Fair

Beverly Hills Art Show

20 May 2023 – 21 May 2023

Regular hours

Sat, 20 May
10:00 – 18:00
Sun, 21 May
10:00 – 18:00

Free admission

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City of Beverly Hills

Beverly Hills
California, United States

Event map

The show features artists from around town and the rest of the country, working in a variety of media.


The Beverly Hills Art Show brings art enthusiasts together from all over Southern California to this verdant site.  230 artists come from all over the United States to introduce and sell their work in the garden heart of Beverly Hills.

This is the show's 50th anniversary!  Accordingly, the May 2023 event will include additional activities and happenings to celebrate the show's long, successful history.

This fun and festive semiannual fair includes four blocks of adventurous and traditional art.  Additionally, there is a wine and beer garden, food trucks, and children’s activities.

The event is free, and there is convenient, inexpensive parking in many lots located just south of the show grounds.



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