Osvaldo Licini: Rebellious Angel
14 Jun 2023 – 10 Sep 2023
Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art
London, United Kingdom
Standard £12.00, Estorick Collection Member £9.00, Full Time Student £9.00
Join us for a special evening talk with exhibition curator Mattia Patti.
Join us for a special evening talk with exhibition curator Mattia Patti.
After an introduction to Licini's works and an overview of the artist's life and career, the exhibition curator will present the different research tools and non-invasive analysis techniques that he used to unravel the tantalising stories behind the creation of these artworks, the painting techniques Licini adopted to achieve his distinctive style, as well as the lost details the eye cannot see hidden beneath the paint.
Doors open at 18.30, with the talk commencing at 19.00.
Mattia Patti is Associate Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art History at the University of Pisa.
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