
Behind the Sun: Prêmio Marcantônio Vilaça CNI Sesi Senai

23 Jul 2016 – 2 Oct 2016

Regular hours

12:00 – 20:00
12:00 – 18:00
12:00 – 20:00
12:00 – 20:00
12:00 – 20:00
12:00 – 20:00
12:00 – 20:00

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A group exhibition made up of the five winners of the Prêmio Marcantônio Vilaça CNI Sesi Senai, the largest contemporary art prize in Brazil, this exhibition is a snapshot of new work from across the country.


With film, performance, sculpture, photography and original performance, Behind the Sun challenges our preconceptions of a country that’s often reduced to frivolous, carnival-esque stereotypes.

Marcantônio Vilaça was an influential Brazilian artist and advocate of Latin American art; the annual prize dedicated to his memory features a shortlist of 30 artists, both established and emerging, put together by 15 leading curators from across Brazil. It’s a prize that ensures that all regions of Brazil are represented, with an underlying theme of art and industry.

See new work by Berna Reale, Gê Orthof, Grupo EmpreZa, Virginia de Medeiros and Nicolas Robbio. Virgina de Medeiros, alongside curator Raphael Fonseca, have also been awarded a residency at Manchester School of Art.

Curated by Marcus Lontra. This exhibition is a partnership with Manchester School of Art, in conjunction with Plano Cultural. Premio Marcantônio Vilaça CNI Sesi Senai is supported by CNI, SESI and SENAI.


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