
Behind the Scenes: a Filmmaking Workshop with Michael Bray (Strangelove)

16 Mar 2015

Regular hours

12:00 – 20:00

Cost of entry


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Strangelove: moving image festival presents 'Behind the Scenes: a Filmmaking Workshop with Michael Bray'. 

An all day workshop, directed by Michael Bray, on the realities of the creative relationships that come together in the making of a film. Watch a professional film director work witha team of actors, creating original scenes generated by ideas taken from theaudience. The scenes will be improvised and shaped, shot and edited so theaudience can enjoy the whole film experience condensed into a few short hours.The workshop opens a window into the real time pressures and challenges facedon a working film set, and the audience will experience the compromises and delightful surprises emerging through the shooting process. At end of the day they will watch and judge what worked and what didn’t and most importantly why. 

Tickets are free and open to the public but booking is essential: book tickets here 

For the full programme of events open to the public and UAL staff and students and for ticket information visit the Strangelove blog:

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