Botanical Illustration for All
29 Aug 2016
Lewisham Arthouse
London, United Kingdom
£100 for 10 session course or £95 concessions
This is a ten week skills based course in the fine art of Analogue Photography. Teaching is a combination of theory and practice with access to the community darkroom. Suitable for beginners and returners. All welcome
Run by an experienced photographer, this ten-week workshop course provides an opportunity to learn about SLR photography at a theoretical and practical level. The course is aimed at beginners and people who would like to update existing knowledge.
A hands-on approach is used in a working studio environment. Students learn how to operate a camera, become familiar with the key terms and concepts in manual photography. They also learn how to use the darkroom to process and develop their negatives. They will then learn the theory and practice of making silver gelatine prints on both resin coated and fibre based paper.
Students are encouraged to visits exhibitions during their time on the course, to do their own research and share their developing knowledge within the class. This isn’t essential but will reinforce learning while on the course.
Darkroom chemicals and equipment provided. Students must bring own analogue camera and buy basic materials, e.g. 35 mm film and photographic paper. All abilities welcome. Ages 16yrs and over.
The course is run in the artists’ studio and has limited places so early booking is advisable. Covid safety guidelines will be followed and safe practice will be adhered to at all times. ( in particular for darkroom work).Please ask if you need to hire a camera.
Price £100/95 concessions
Please contact Alison Day for the enrolment form and any further details. Registration prior the event is requested. Limited places to 4.
Email :alison.day54@gmail.com
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