
Before The Linyow Came

18 Mar 2022 – 11 Jun 2022

Regular hours

09:00 – 16:30
09:00 – 13:00
09:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 17:00

Free admission

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To launch MIRROR’s Give&Takeover pro­gramme strand, MIR­ROR has com­mis­sioned three South West based artists to respond to the 2022 exhi­bi­tions programme


Molly Erin McCarthy is first up in the Give & Takeover series, creating 'Before The Linyow Came', an augmented reality to virtually interact with our next exhibition by Huhtamaki Wab.

You'll be able to interact with Molly's AR sculptures during Huhtawaki Wab's show. You'll need to have Instagram on your phone, then just scan the series of QR codes at the gallery and watch them appear.

'Before The Linyow Came' presents four Augmented Reality sculptures of landmarks from a speculative fiction world based on the ‘Forgotten Corner of Cornwall’.

‘The Forgotten Corner’ refers to a geographical area of South East Cornwall, so named because its location, away from main travel routes and towns, means it's often bypassed by visitors. Despite it’s ‘forgottenness’, issues of tourism, gentrification and extreme differences in wealth and privilege affecting the region have still found their way here.

Each sculpture is inspired by real sites and objects found in ‘The Forgotten Corner’, reimagined as part of a speculative fiction world that wonders: what might this landscape look like if these issues continue to persist.

Presented as Instagram filters, 'Before The Linyow Came' explores the potential for co-opting online platforms to widen accessibility to digital art, while critiquing their capitalist structures from within.

Molly’s Instagram filters, designed specifically to interact and sit amongst Wab’s work, can also be experienced anywhere in the world. Please see the linked webpage for direct links to experience the work online.


Molly Erin McCarthy is a multimedia artist based in Plymouth, UK. Her practice is rooted in creating narratives and ‘worlds’, where the lines of truth, fiction and what is ‘real’ are blurred.

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