
'Before & After' An exhibition & performance of works by service users of Lambeth After Care

8 Jun 2007 – 14 Jun 2007

Event times

Gallery Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday: 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm

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Red Gate Gallery

London, United Kingdom


Travel Information

  • Buses: 35, 45, 345, P4
  • Nearest Train: Loughborough Junction (Thames Link, via Kings X to Sutton)
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The Lambeth Aftercare Team is a partnership initiative between Lambeth Adults and Community Services and Lambeth Drug and Alcohol Action Team, supporting clients who are stable in drug or alcohol recovery to access mainstream services. An art exhibition celebrating and show-casing the diverse talents of our service users will be held at Red Gate Gallery by the Lambeth After care service. The exhibition marks two successful years of the Lambeth After Care Team service working in Lambeth. The opening all-day event will feature paintings, drawings, installations, poetry and live performances by current service users. For the following week the exhibition will be open to the public to enjoy the diverse talents on display in the gallery. The plethora of works on display features the theme of the exhibition, “Before and After”, and focuses on individual and group reflections, presentations and representations of their life experiences and reflections before and after drug or alcohol treatment. Much of the work has been created in fortnightly Art Workshops. Service users have also taken an enthusiastic role in the organisation of the exhibition and will be in attendance on the day of the main event to discuss their work and perform.


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