

4 Nov 2021 – 27 Nov 2021

Regular hours

13:00 – 18:00
13:00 – 18:00
13:00 – 18:00
13:00 – 18:00

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Bobinska Brownlee New River

England, United Kingdom

Travel Information

  • 38, 56, 73, 476
  • Angel or Highbury & Islington
  • Essex Road rail station
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Event map

Bed, curated by Richard Davey and David Leapman, featuring Jenny Hager, Susie Hamilton, David Leapman and Lee Maelzer


"Whether it’s a slightly scraped hollow in the ground or an elaborate four poster, a bed is the one piece of furniture that humans throughout history have possessed.

We are almost certain to have been born in a bed and many of us will die in one, and between those two events a bed is a place where all life unfolds. It is a place to sleep and dream, a place to read and daydream. It is a place to make love, or to hide under the covers - our safe space, where the monsters of childhood imaging cannot find us. But it can also be a sick bed, hospital bed, or our death bed.

This exhibition doesn’t see a bed as a piece of furniture, but as a metaphor for life in all its fullness".

Richard Davey

What to expect? Toggle


David Leapman

Richard Davey

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Lee Maelzer

Susie Hamilton

David Leapman

Jenny Hager


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