
Be Ill-Disciplined | Performative Lecture & Workshop by Kai Syng Tan

19 Sep 2020

Regular hours

Sat, 19 Sep
14:30 – 15:30

Timezone: Europe/London

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Hosted by: performingborders

For more info about Kai Syng Tan's digital performative lecture and workshop, how-to book, and access provided please visit https://contactmcr.com/shows/be-ill-disciplined/

Saturday 19 September,
Performative Lecture: 2.30-3.30pm (BST)
Free tickets & English live captions
Digital Workshop: 4.00-5.00pm (BST)

Part of  performingbordersLIVE20  programme in partnership with Contact Theatre and supported by the Arts Council England.


"We need new compasses, fresh tools, and untried directions.”

With the pandemic, Black Lives Matter, and the ongoing crises in climate, health, and technological control, we’ve all been thinking a lot about leadership. 

Kai Syng Tan  is an artist, curator and academic who co-leds the Neurodiversity In/And Creative Research Network. She argues that artists – especially artists with ‘non-standard’ and neurodiverse ways of thinking – can help invent new pathways towards solutions to the major challenges facing our societies, and work to co-create a better world.

‘Normal’ hasn’t worked, so we need leaders with atypical ways of being, thinking, making, and organising for our ‘new normal’. Be Ill-disciplined invites you to critically and creatively explore leadership – and to think about yourself as a leader. In this online performance lecture, artist and academic Kai will explore how creativity and neurodiversity can drive social change.

The performative lecture will be followed by a Q&A led by artist and member of the Neurodiversity and/in Creative Research Network, Ashokkumar Mistry.

Be Ill-disciplined  will be followed by an online workshop for up to 15 people aged 21-30 who are interested in arts, leadership and social change, with a priority given to those who are ‘neurodiverse’ (broadly, with cognitive approaches different to the ‘standard’, such as dyslexia, autism, ADHD and/or more) or from a BAME or working-class background.

For more info about Kai Syng Tan's digital performative lecture and workshop, how-to book, and access provided click here


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