
Barcelona International Short Film Festival 2022

13 Nov 2022 – 14 Nov 2022

Regular hours

10:00 – 18:00

Cost of entry

4 euros a session

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Zumzeig Cinema

Catalonia, Spain

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BSF is an international, juried short film festival, created in 2017 and based in Barcelona, Spain. BSF screens outstanding short film, animation, docs, experimental and video art.


Programme https://issuu.com/barcelonashortfilm/docs/bsf_2022_programme

Trailers: https://vimeo.com/showcase/9819165

Tickets: https://filmfreeway.com/BarcelonaShortFilm/tickets

BSF is an international, juried short film festival, created in 2017 and based in Barcelona, Spain. BSF screens outstanding short film, animation, docs, experimental and video art. We understand that some short film and video blur the lines of typical film festival categories, so we also enthusiastically encourage non-traditional and experimental formats. 

The stories of and by women, girls and non-binary people are underrepresented in film festivals, so we want to encourage submissions from anyone self-identifying as a woman, non-binary and/or anyone telling stories about women, girls and non-binary people.

BSF supports a culture of equality, diversity and non-discrimination, and is run as a non-profit organisation.

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