Student Show
Student Art Collection
01 Sep 2016 – 31 Dec 2030
The Glass Tank
Oxford, United Kingdom
A boat which flows and glides through London’s canals to showcase artworks vis-à-vis live performances, culminating in conversations.
Bapor Tabo(o) is a one-day moving exhibition. It’s set on a boat flowing and gliding through the locks, along the London canals, showcasing live performances by live artists, groups, contemporary dancers and movers, musical performances and spoken word. The boat’s façade is strewn with artworks flying in the form of flags, posters and banners by RAGE collective and artists whose works deal with political issues and concerns, serving as a stage for live works and performances to take place. Adopting a kind of canal-bus stop schedule, it moors at designated points along the route, allowing for new performers to replace those who have finished their work. To conclude the event, the boat shall moor at an arranged place where the public is welcome to join in conversations and discussions shared with food and drinks, with a possibility to join impromptu musical jams and performances. Come one, come all, let’s try and bridge our closed groups in the smallest of happenings and encounters!
Bapor Tabo(o) will start at Old Ford Lock by Victoria Park and then run up & down the Regent's Canal between Old Ford Lock and Acton’s Lock near Broadway Market from 2-6pm. Finishing back by Old Ford Lock at 6pm for further performances.
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