Autoritratto con Ricordi | Self Portrait with Memories
16 Mar 2013 – 10 May 2013
Event times
Tue-Sat 11-18
Cost of entry
free; during Berlin Long Night of Museums on Sat 16th March 18/12â¬
Event map
Ghost Projection Music
Using unique techniques developed autonomously, Franco Maurina tells an unreal travel through his memories. Everything happens in one room, where the spectator can observe the centre of a scenery that has neither stage nor curtains. Music and lights materialize in space and complete each other with objects carefully placed by the author. It is a 'non'-place that can be transferred to any house or any city. What matters is the representation of the memory, which is already assimilated in the show and which has no limits, not in space and not in time. No machine at present on the market is capable of recreating this atmosphere.The research of the proper technology has been a work of 15 years and it is still evolving, always aiming at the artistic, and not at the technological achievement.