Art Tour

Audio Described Tour: Bharti Kher: The Body is a Place

26 Nov 2022

Regular hours

11:00 – 18:00

Cost of entry

Free event, but please email to book a space.

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Travel Information

  • Most city centre bus services stop within walking distance of Arnolfini. The nearest stops are at The Centre and Queen Square.
  • Arnolfini is a 15 minute walk from Bristol Temple Meads railway station. A taxi rank can be found outside the station.
Directions via Google Maps Directions via Citymapper
Event map

Organised with our friends at Bristol Sight Loss Council and Sight Support, West of England, Arnolfini are planning two audio described tours for our Visually Impaired patrons to introduce our exhibition Bharti Kher: The Body is a Place.


There will be sighted guides available and complimentary tea and coffee will be served in the café so people can have a chat about the work afterwards.

These tours will be held before the galleries open so that our Visitors Services team are able to lead Audio Descriptive tours without visitors being disturbed by the public. There will also be opportunities to touch samples of the work.

Free event. But please email to book a space.

Tour 1: Saturday 26 November 10am to 11am

Tour 2: Saturday 3 December 10am to 11am

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