Attractive Repulsion
23 Mar 2008 – 29 Mar 2008
Event times
Opening times: 12pm - 7pm
Cost of entry
- 3 Torrens Street
- Angel
- London
- EC1V 1NQ
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- Angel
Atrractive Replusion
Attractive Repulsion is the launch of a recently formed arts collective comprising of artists from across thecountry. The group was formed by emerging London textile artist Lucy Nicholson. "I wanted to promote not
just my own pieces but work from other artists from around the country. I thought it would be interesting to
source people from the internet and put them in a real space - sort of like a blind date with art."
Lucy had never met the artists before choosing them based on online conversations. The result is an
eclectic mix of work from a wide range of artists, separated geographically and in age, coming together via
the internet. Among the work in Attractive Repulsion Kate Ward and Stephen Clifton explore discarded
materials and environment using collage whilst Ross Newport and Lucy Nicholson look at nature and
forgotten folklore using painting and textiles.
The curating of Attractive Repulsion blurs the conventional boundaries of interaction by illustrating how
social and professional networks can be built in the virtual world and, then, taken into a traditional gallery
Showing at Candid Gallery
from 23rd ' 30th March, 12 -7pm
Private view: Tuesday 25th March 6pm ' 9pm
Candid Arts Trust, 3 Torrens St , London , EC1V 1NQ .
Tube: Angel
For further information please contact Stephen Clifton on 07709 237355
visit http://attractiverepulsion2008.googlepages.com/
or email: art.network@hotmail.com
Artists: Lucy Nicholson, Stephen Clifton, Kate Ward, Liz Howe, Stephanie Rawkins, David Brightmore,
Deanne Prout, and Ross Newport
Interviews available