At Home With The Ludskis: Housewarming and Launch
30 Jul 2011 – 31 Jul 2011
Event times
11.30pm - 3am
Cost of entry
- 107 Kingsland High Street
- Dalston
- London
- E8 2PB
- United Kingdom
'From dada to grandma the beat goes on'?
This exhibition/screening/event, will see the debut of 'At home with the Ludskis' as exhibition-makers, curating a series of new, unique, Avant Garde, plastic art, installation, live music, popcorn, intervention, performance, Total art, Post-contemporary, after party'Be in no doubt, this is the debut of a major new addition to the exhibition landscape of East London, if not the world. This is not just another gallery!
'Your event looks lovely!' Annie Sprinkle
'At Home with the Ludskis' ' Housewarming and Launch. Artists so far:
Thomson & Craighead
Ryan Styles
Supermarket Sarah
The Centre of Attention
Luci Briginshaw
Winnie the Poof
The House of O'Dwyer
Damien Roach
Lauren Mace
Ed Simpson
David J. Smith & Joe Banks
Joanna Natalija Gourley
Beatriz Olabarrieta
T.G. Elias
The Reverend of Love
And other special guest artists.
Granny Ludskis' statement: The Ludskis were bored and drained by bogus exhibitions and the banal moving image screenings of cinema and gallery. Forcing people to stand and watch tedious videos seemed mean spirited. We wanted something more vital, with quality, depth and imagination. We found ourselves in direct conflict with the academic style and scholastic didacticism of Art Academy, Gallery, Museum and Biennale
This led 'At Home with the Ludskis,' to make a curation of a unique, late night exhibition event in the old haunted cinema in Dalston, Hackney. With a wide range of Artists from different fields, providing startling moving image, surreal musicianship, eerie installation, seductive performance, 'At home with the Ludskis,' will be a unique art event.
All Art Forms Will Be There!
'At Home with the Ludskis' has an ongoing open submission policy. Deadline for the next Ludski show will be 9th august 2011.
'At Home with the Ludskis,' will operate an innovative profit share scheme with everybody exhibiting or performing getting a slice of the pie.
So support artists directly and BOOK NOW! http://tinyurl.com/ludskishousewarming