
As Metamorfoses de Ovídio (performance by mala voadora)

23 Jul 2021

Regular hours

Fri, 23 Jul
20:00 – 22:00

Cost of entry

5-10 E

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Hošek Contemporary

Berlin, Germany


Travel Information

  • 165, 265 - Märkisches Museum
  • U2 - Märkisches Museum
  • S3, S5, S7, S9 - S-Bahn Jannowitzbrücke
Directions via Google Maps Directions via Citymapper
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Hosek Contemporary is pleased to invite you to As Metamorfoses de Ovídio, a performance by mala voadora.

Admission: Suggested donation 5-10 €
Doors: 20:00
Start: 21:00


If "Western History" tells us that, in the Renaissance, classical culture served as a reference to entry into a period of anthropocentrism, classical mythology, in turn, is also a framework of miscegenation between the human and the non-human. "Shapes changed into new bodies." This is the Metamorphoses of Ovid: about 250 narratives about transmutations of human beings and super humans – gods, nymphs, satyrs, monsters – in other beings, and " also in stones, fountains, rivers, stars and many other things", to tell the Story of the World. mala voadora takes as reference the Metamorphoses of Ovid to recreate the History of the World through a set of painted bodies – figures of both human and abstract nature, simultaneously present and fictional, recognisable and transcendent. A compliment of the instability of the forms.

conception and direction Jorge Andrade
assisted by Maria Jorge .
soundtrack Rui Lima e Sérgio Martins .
coproduction Câmara Municipal do Porto / Fórum do Futuro

The gallery is located at
close to Fischerinsel 3
10 179 Berlin-Mitte
+49 1525 7486496


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