

8 Mar 2011

Regular hours

09:00 – 18:00

Cost of entry

Price: free. Booking: not required, drop in any time

Save Event: ArtSTuff

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Sainsbury Centre

Norwich, United Kingdom


Travel Information

  • Bus numbers 25, 25a and x25 run from Norwich city centre to UEA ' ask for the Sainsbury Centre stop. Park & Ride service 604 runs Monday to Friday to the main UEA bus stop.
Directions via Google Maps Directions via Citymapper
Event map


If you are aged between 16 and 25 years, with an interest in art or working the creative sector, why not join the Sainsbury Centre's ArtSTuff group? We're looking for dynamic, friendly people who want to discuss creative ideas, spend time in the galleries and develop projects to work on together. It's a brilliant way to make new friends, learn new skills and get involved with the Centre. To find out more, call 01603 593199 and ask for Emily Ward.


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