Arts Learning Lab @ Home: Austyn de Lugo | Family History: Sewing & Collage
31 Oct 2020
Regular hours
- Sat, 31 Oct
- 11:00 – 12:00
Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
- Language: English
- Join the event
Austyn de Lugo | Family History: Sewing & Collage | Saturday, October 31, 2020 | 11am – 12pm
Austyn de Lugo | Family History: Sewing & Collage
Saturday, October 31, 2020 | 11am – 12pm
Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kdO6rrjgtGNOuEccQMfFXEbLTnmxmCy5w
Join us for a one hour workshop led by teaching artist Austyn de Lugo. In this collaborative intergenerational workshop between the Armory Center for the Arts and 18th Street Art Center, we will examine our own representations of the self, family portraits, and our family histories as we draw inspiration from German artist Annegret Soltau. Using a combination of techniques such as collage, as well as sewing with needle and thread, we will re-assemble and create new versions combining our past histories and current lives in one completed collage. We will be coming together through education and art practice, celebrating knowledge and ancestry, as organizations from the East and West side of Los Angeles work together to offer this fun and meaningful workshop on the morning of spooky Halloween!
This workshop was supported through a partnership with 18th Street Arts Center and the Armory Arts Center with the goal of enhancing each other’s education programs and connecting the east and west sides of Los Angeles.
Materials: Copies of family photos, letters, recipes, childhood artwork, recent photos, anything you would feel comfortable cutting up! If you do not have access to a photocopier or copies of these documents, you can gather images from magazines, newspapers, old books, etc…to use for your collage. Paper, glue, needle and thread (optional, recommended for older students)
Optional: shoe box lid or file folder, crayolas, watercolors
Recommended Ages: All ages.
Austyn de Lugo (he/him/él) is an artist working in collage, textiles, and painting. His work is influenced by political portraiture, family photographs, floral photography, and decorative arts. His current body of work draws from his family’s history in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands, as well as from revolutionary movements in the Caribbean. He considers the United States’ relationship with its colonies in the Caribbean, and imagines how tropicality can be used as a site of political resistance. Austyn has exhibited work in the United States and abroad. In 2017, he was the Artist-in-Residence at the Fundación Sebastian in Mexico City.