
Artists @ Work

26 May 2022 – 29 May 2022

Regular hours

Thu, 26 May
12:00 – 21:00
Fri, 27 May
12:00 – 18:00
Sat, 28 May
12:00 – 18:00
Sun, 29 May
12:00 – 18:00

Timezone: Europe/Brussels

Free admission

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Hosted by: Anyuta

Practical: In order to participate, select a timeslot and enter your name in this table: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I9_8UDPVk0JspP21duN1nxrfcf-vk7poAjhqEyy3tnI/edit#gid=0 During your timeslot you install your computer in a suitable place in your studio (sufficient light, close to the electricity socket, etc), log in through the links in the same table, turn on your video camera and… get to work. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, please contact us at anyuta@nicc.be.

ARTISTS @ WORK is a live stream from artist studios. In this way we connect the creative process with presentation, or rather, we shed light on the invisible work. The participating artists are of course free to choose the idea of their livestream.



NICC is the artist-run network organization of the visual artist in Belgium. The core activity of NICC is to promote and strengthen knowledge and dialogue about developments in the artistic practice and the framework within which this takes place.

The Antwerp Art Weekend is a city-wide event for contemporary visual art in Antwerp, where art spaces in and around the city come together to celebrate and further promote contemporary art as a valuable and essential part of society.

NICC has a new place for several months now. We have been invited by HART magazine to share the space in Kleine Markt 7-9, Antwerp.

Our first project in the new space is a continuous video installation: ARTISTS @ WORK, with a live stream from artist studios. In this way we connect the creative process with presentation, or rather, we shed light on the invisible work. The participating artists are of course free to choose the idea of their livestream.

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